Students interested in dairy and journalism are encouraged to apply for the 2016 Hoard's Dairyman editorial internship. College students often find themselves faced with the question, "What do you plan...
Webinar stresses the importance of diligent administration protocols. "People are not perfect," stated Pam Ruegg, D.V.M., with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. For that reason, every attempt should...
Over Labor Day weekend, I checked milking in a tie stall barn off my bucket list. Hoard's Dairyman editors stay close to the business of dairying through involvement on their home farms and the Hoard's...
Performance evaluations identify the milking routine bottlenecks that are holding your herd back. Farms operate on pennies and seconds. The pennies saved per head after a ration reformulation can equate...
Blending my passions for words and cows led to one of the greatest formative experiences of my college career. In eighth grade, I developed a sudden interest in becoming a dairy farmer. I hadn't been around...
Proper selection and preparation can make a difference. Like milk, beef has a unique combination of nutrients that support a healthy body. Beef is surprisingly lean. Over time, cattle have become more...
We are a bigger part of that industry than ever before, and it is not likely to change anytime soon. by Dennis Halladay, Hoard's Dairyman Western Editor Earlier this month I took off my dairy hat and went...
Cattle can be efficient users of leftovers. By Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager Last week I blogged about different management types that produce beef. One of the interesting facts...
Kiefland Holsteins in southeastern Minnesota installed its first robotic milkers in 2011, and the family has learned a great deal in the past four years
With the aid of finger paints, Stephanie Arndt and Pandora the Painted Cow are making dairy approachable for youth. Children and adults alike in central New York are learning where their favorite dairy...
Farms can be dangerous places. On working farms, there's constant movement of people and equipment. And with summer, that means more activity and more people